Running suspended: virtual services offered

Due to the coronavirus, we have stopped all running classes and social runs for now.

On Sunday (9/5/20), the lockdown is lifting slowing and you can now exercise as much as you want to on a daily basis and with up to ONE PERSON from outside your household so long as you maintain social distancing.

Obviously, our group classes will not be operational yet but there is an opportunity to offer one-to-one outdoor run training now. More information will follow.

In the meantime, Common Runners will continue to offer a number of FREE and PAID FOR virtual services until group classes can be resumed. Here’s a reminder of what’s on offer:

1. VIRTUAL SOCIAL – every Tuesday at 8pm (ID & passwords remain the same)

2. COMMON RUNNERS’ FACEBOOK PAGE – with updates & comments

3. A WEEKLY RUNNING SESSION – that includes fitness challenges/exercises plus a warm up & stretching delivered every Monday AM. This has proved popular with many runners as it gives a focus for the week.

4. A WEEKLY UPDATE – that includes monthly challenges, running news, virtual races etc delivered every Friday AM. Again, this has proved popular as it gives you ideas on what to aim for over the month.

5. ONLINE COACHING –  if you are struggling with motivation during this time, then I can create a bespoke programme for you and keep you on track with weekly and monthly check-ins.

6. S&C VIRTUAL CLASSES – every Thursday at 8.30am. These classes, delivered by Bounce Gym, are for Common Runners only and are excellent.


* The virtual social and Facebook page are FREE to all Common Runners
* For £15 per month you can access a weekly running session and Friday update
* Online coaching costs £40 per month to include an initial 1-2-1 consultation, monthly training plan, weekly check-ins, regular progress checks and motivation and monthly 1-2-1 review
* S&C virtual classes cost £40 for a block of 4 classes PLUS access to Bounce Gym classes (6-7 per day)

Wishing you continued health and happiness.

Caroline x

Reduced classes

This week has certainly been unprecedented and running has been light relief. Although running/outdoor exercise is still considered safe and encouraged, it is important that we keep a safe distance from one another to avoid transmission. As the children are now off school for an indefinite period, I envisage a drop in numbers to the classes. So unless we are told to lock down completely, I plan to run the following classes next week (week beginning 23/3/20):

Mon @ 9.30 for improvers
Tues @ 9.30 for beginners/beginners+
Tues @7pm for improvers

Obviously if anyone feels unwell nearer the time of the class then please do not come and similarly if you prefer to run on your own for now then that is absolutely fine.

Social run challenge: 6/5/20

On Wednesday 6 May 2020 from 9am onwards we are having a social run challenge in Richmond Park. Runners can choose to run 3 miles, 5 miles or just over 7 miles (one lap of Richmond Park). All Common Runners are encouraged to attend and those who don’t currently run with us are very welcome to join – the cost is £8. To register your interest please email:

Trail run in Dorking

On Wednesday 26 February 2020, 12 Common Runners went on a fantastic 10k trail run, starting and finishing at Denbies Wine Estate. Rachel, a qualified wilderness coach and Salomon Ambassador, took us  through vineyards, woods, Ranmore Common, farmland with views to die for!

Here’s a link to the photos taken by Rachel –

And here’s a reminder of where we run curtesy of Katia –

Social run challenge 22/1/20

On Wednesday 22 January 2020 from 9am onwards we are having a social run challenge in Richmond Park. Runners can choose to run 3 miles, 5 miles or just over 7 miles (one lap of Richmond Park). All Common Runners are encouraged to attend and those who don’t currently run with us are very welcome to join – the cost is £8. To register your interest please email:

Celebrating international women’s day 2020

To celebrate international women’s day on Wednesday 11 March, we will doing our usual weekly 5k social run on Wimbledon Common followed by a breathing and nutrition workshop at the London Scottish Golf Club (next door to the Windmill Cafe). The cost, to include coffee/tea/biscuits, is likely to be £15.

If you would like to join our social run and workshops on Wednesday 11 March please email Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come basis.


New running courses 2020

New beginner and improver running courses start on Monday 6 January until Thursday 2 April 2020 (excluding half term).

Beginner course is on: Mondays 10.30-11.30am

Improver courses are on: Mondays 9.30-10.30am, Tuesdays 9.30-10.30am & 7-8pm, Thursdays 10.30-11.30am

Social runs are every Wednesday at 9.30am

If you are interested in a particular day/time, please email We do hope that you will join us soon!

New trail run in Dorking

On Wednesday 26 February 2020 (AM) we are going on a fantastic trail run, starting and finishing at Denbies Wine Estate. I have linked up with Rachel, a qualified wilderness coach and Salomon Ambassador, who will take us  through vineyards, woods, Ranmore Common, farmland with views to die for! The route is 10k, on unpaved and possibly muddy terrain, with some elevation but Rachel has assured me that the trails are not too technical so great for all abilities.

Trail shoes are ideal for this run but if you don’t have any, Rachel will bring some demo Solomon shoes in a variety of sizes. If you want to purchase some Solomon shoes please go to and then shop around for the best price. Alternatively, you can always try Sporting Feet in Putney for trail shoes.

The cost of the trail run plus coffee & cake at Denbies Wine Estate is likely to be £20-£25 but I will confirm in the new year. For now, please let me know if you are interested in joining a new adventure!

Xmas scavenger hunt run returns!

Our annual Xmas scavenger hunt returns for a fourth year…

On Thursday 28 November @ 7pm we’re organising a Christmas ‘scavenger hunt run’ around Wimbledon Village and the surrounding area to discover some fun and interesting sights and to collect various items! The run will be followed by drinks and canapes at The Crooked Billet.

Our Christmas ‘scavenger hunt run’ starts outside Sweaty Betty in the village and finishes at The Crooked Billet. You will be divided into teams of varying speeds/abilities, given a list of places/items to find/collect with all team members before heading back to The Crooked Billet by 8pm. The team who finds/collects the most items will win the hunt and receive prizes!

Prosecco/soft drinks and canapes will be pre-ordered so that everything is ready for us after the run. The cost of the refreshments is £28 per person and gives you about two glasses of Prosecco/soft drinks & some canapes. The run is free to all. We hope that you can make the run and drinks!