Pilates courses

pilates with JamesA new 12-week+ Pilates for Runners course starts in January, April and September 2024 at The Wimbledon Club to help strengthen and prevent running injuries. 

If you find that you are prone to running injuries, your muscles feel tight after a run or you’re training for a big race, then our 12-week+ ‘Pilates for Runners’ course is for you.

The course will focus on exercises that specifically target the areas in the body that become tight from running such as the hips, thighs, hamstring, ankles and more.

Stretching is really important after a run as it helps prevent tightening of muscles, reduces injuries and improves your flexibility.

Whether you are a social runner, or someone who takes running more seriously, this course is suitable. It is taken by Vanessa Declercq, a professionally trained dancer and very experienced pilates instructor.

Booking a pilates course

A course must be booked and paid for in advance and costs £180 (for 12 weeks). Numbers are restricted to 12 to ensure individual attention.

For more information about our pilates courses, please contact Caroline on 07810 486286 or email info@commonrunners.co.uk.