S&C courses

bounce gym 3 march 19


A new 12-week+ Strength & Conditioning for Runners course starts in January, April and September 2024 at Bounce Gym to help strengthen and prevent running injuries. 

If you’ve ever wondered what kind of exercises to do that will help you become stronger and more stable as you run as well as help reverse the loss of muscle mass, then our 12-week+ ‘Strength & Conditioning’ course is for you.

The course will focus on upper and lower body exercises using your body weight, light weights/items found at home and resistance bands. Our trainer will explain all the different exercises and what weights to use in a supportive environment.

Whether you are a novice or experienced gym user, this course is suitable. It is taken by an experienced personal trainer from Bounce Gym in Wimbledon Park.

Booking a S&C course

A course must be and paid for in advance and costs £180 (for 12 weeks).

For more information about our strength & conditioning courses, please contact Caroline on 07810 486286 or email info@commonrunners.co.uk.