Whether you’re a beginner or more seasoned runner, our NEW head-to-toe running technique analysis sessions will make a big difference to the way you feel and perform when running.
During December & January 2022 I’m offering 10% off the normal cost of our running analysis sessions (normal price: £60 per session). Xmas vouchers can be purchased for this service.
During the session, I’ll review/photo your posture, arms, foot strike, hips, arms and cadence and make key recommendations, all summarised in a personalised document. Thereafter, you may want to purchase additional sessions that will focus on how to implement those key recommendations and will involve some homework! Changing or adapting your running technique does take time but you should see improvements over a 5-6 week period.
During lockdown and thereafter I carried out over 10 head-to-toe assessments for runners who were constantly injured when they increased their mileage and/or they wanted to run faster. Knowing how you run and how to implement key recommendations can make all the difference.
FYI: I’m an England Athletics Running Coach as well as a Technique Running Coach so you’re in safe hands!