Author Archives: Caroline

One-day retreat


We are going on a one-day retreat on Saturday 28 September so please let me know if you are interested in joining us.

It should be a fabulous day at Westerlands which is in the heart of the South Downs National Park. We will travel by coach from Wimbledon to the venue (6 spaces available on the coach), making it super easy for all. The day will start with a trail run OR 5k walk, followed by lunch, yoga and drinks/snacks before departing around 4.30/5pm. The cost of the day is £145 (including coach travel) or £115 (excluding coach travel).

Sweaty Betty link up


Common Runners has linked up with Sweaty Betty in the Village for National Fitness Day on Wednesday 18 Sept! From 6pm there will be a free 5k social run on the Common followed by discounted shopping and light refreshments from Lu-Ma and Light on the Common.

There are a limited number of spaces available so if you are interested in joining us please let me know.

Summer running…

To maintain your fitness over the summer, ideally you need to continue running and/or take part in some activity such as walking, swimming, cycling. Below are a few ways to keep you motivated:

* join our MIXED ABILITY RUN CLASSES over the 6-week break. The cost of a class is £13. All classes need to be pre-booked and paid for by the end of this term (19/7).

FOR NOW, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHICH DATES YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN and I will let you know in the last week which classes are going ahead (based on a minimum of 4 people attending). 

Below are possible dates:
* MON 22/7 @9am; TUES 23/7 @7pm
* MON 29/7 @9AM; TUES 30/7 @7PM
* TUES 13/8 @7PM
* TUES 20/8 @7PM

* join a Strength & Conditioning class at Bounce Gym – you can just turn up and pay (£13 per class).

* join Vanessa’s pilates classes at Bishop Gilpin school – dates tbc

* Join a PARKRUN, a free 5k run every Saturday at 9am on Wimbledon Common or wherever you decide to holiday. I’ve ear-marked a Parkrun in Norfolk and I know that others are planning to do a Parkrun when they are away. Please let me know what you plan to do and as always, a photo would be lovely!

Fab summer social

A big ‘thank you’ to all those who came to our summer social last night (4/7/24). The yoga teacher was great, the weather was almost perfect and the company was fabulous!

We began with a yoga session led by Sue Easton, a very experienced yoga teacher, who pitched the class perfectly. She introduced us to the basics of breathing and how it can help us to stretch and then went on to target our glutes, hamstrings and calves. Sue teaches small group sessions in Raynes Pk and private sessions too.

Feeling stretched and relaxed, we were then ready for drinks. As it was a chillier night than expected, we all headed for the gazebo outside the Windmill Cafe which was perfect! A fun evening out with a great bunch of ladies!

Book London 10k run

Our next London 10k run on 17 May is a lovely one that I have walked over the Easter break!

It starts at Camden Town station where you can spot a few interesting items before heading to the canal (music walk of fame, shop signs, elephants on parade, street art). We then run along the canal to Caledonian Road, make our way onto the roads towards the Angel before getting back onto the canal. We run through Hoxton, Haggerston, Hackney (with a slight detour) and onto the lovely Victoria Park and finally coffee!

It goes without saying that this run is FLAT so it should appeal to all. There are 12 spaces available so please let me know if you would like to join us. The cost of the run is £20. 

Menopause: nutrition & exercise


 In this fourth blog, Katia focuses on the menopause and looks at steps that we can take to support ourselves during this transition in two key areas – nutrition and exercise.

 Menopause is thankfully now openly discussed and many of us are able to find evidence-based solutions and guidance from medical professionals. While HRT can be seen as a panacea and is often very effective, there are key steps that we should take prior to resorting to medication.

Menopause involves a significant change in the levels of certain hormones, including oestrogen and progesterone, but it is the peri-menopause which can start from 40 onwards that can be the most challenging stage for most of us. Numerous symptoms appear and these are highly variable from one woman to the next – the most common being our cycles becoming more erratic, weight gain, low mood, hot flushes, urinary issues and sexual disfunction.

It is important to remember that there is a lot that we can do to support ourselves during this transition in two key areas – nutrition and exercise.


The importance of diet cannot be underestimated. We have to consider the estrobolome – a collection of essential bacteria in our gut microbiome which is capable of metabolising and modulating the body’s circulating oestrogen; it can recycle oestrogen which should have been excreted from the body and thereby increases the amount in circulation. A healthy and balanced estrobolome will assist in supporting the delicate balance of oestrogen in our bodies.

In order to optimise the health of our estrobolome, it is important to consume adequate fibre, polyphenols, fermented foods and probiotics in order to promote these bacteria species to alleviate menopausal symptoms.

Optimal foods include pulses, whole grains, nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables, herbs & spices.

Phytoestrogens such as isoflavones are helpful in that they mimic the effects of oestrogen by binding to particular receptors in the body. Foods rich in isoflavones include soy products such as edamame and tofu.

 Given the muscle loss at this stage in life, consuming adequate protein is key. Women should aim for 20-25mg of protein per meal. Omega-3 intake is very important for maintaining cognitive function, reducing risk of depression and reducing inflammation. Oily fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel, as well as flax seeds contain omega 3.

 Although intermittent fasting has many benefits, it is not advisable for women going through this transition. Recent research has shown that fasting for long periods can affect our hormone balance, creating greater fluctuations which then increase stress and cortisol levels. Reduced weight due to fasting may be due to a decrease in muscle mass which can worsen menopausal symptoms. Although long fasts are not recommended, snacking throughout the day and late into the night is not supportive of gut health.

Maintaining an eating window of 10-12 hours with your meals spaced out evenly is the best approach to balancing your hormones and minimising stress.


Weight gain, especially around the midsection, is due to metabolic changes taking place which can lead to insulin resistance. This tends to coincide with reduced activity levels which reduces our muscle mass. These changes can be mitigated by strength and aerobic exercises which have been found to reduce hot flushes and improve bone density.

It’s good to establish a weekly exercise schedule that works with all your other commitments. Making sure to include two strength sessions, such as lifting weights or strength yoga/pilates, and two aerobic sessions such as running or stationary cycling. Joining an exercise class or a running group like Common Runners can be a great motivator.

Taking steps to optimise our diet and to incorporate exercise into our daily schedule is essential when it comes to managing symptoms during the peri-menopause, and this will help to support our health and wellbeing well into our post-menopausal years.

Katia is a Nutritional Therapist and gut health expert helping high achieving women to optimise their diets and restore their health so that they can live their lives to the full. Please follow her on Instagram @nutritionapplied or check out





10th anniversary

September 2023 is Common Runners’ 10th anniversary! I can’t believe that it’s been so many years since I started the business, swapping corporate life in the City to the ‘great outdoors’. Common Runners has come a long way and I’m really excited to celebrate this milestone.

Over the years, it has been great to see so many women embrace running, push themselves in training and in races, experience new adventures and meet friends for life. Many women started off hating running but now can’t believe how much running is part of their everyday life.

Many runners have been with me from the start and I’m so grateful for all the support that you’ve given me over the past 10 years. When I set up Common Runners in 2013, I thought that it might be a side-line job rather than a full time one!

To help celebrate our 10th anniversary, I want to share 10 highlights from Common Runners’ journey.

  1. Starting Common Runners: starting the business was a leap of faith! I’d been a freelance marketeer for nearly 10 years and didn’t really know if spending time outdoors in all weathers was going to be for me! I loved running and when I drove up to Wimbledon Common to take our first training class, I knew that I had done the right thing…being outdoors felt great.
  2. Entering our first race: within a year of starting the business, I persuaded some beginner runners to enter their first 5k race on Wimbledon Common. There was nerves, excitement and finally jubilation when all runners crossed the finish line in under 40 minutes.
  3. …and two marathons!: to help celebrate my upcoming 50th, I decided to run my first marathon in Brighton in 2015. It was an overwhelming experience and I ended up achieving a good-for-age time with automatic entry to the London Marathon, which I just had to do the following year and it was wonderful.
  4. Linking up with Secret London Runs: to keep existing runners motivated and to add variety and interest, I decided to link up with Secret London Runs in September 2016. Since then we’ve enjoyed running and learning about Power Women, street art, sex in the city and more!
  5.  Introducing pilates for runners course: to help reduce injuries, tightening of muscles and improve flexibility, I introduced our first pilates for runners course in  January 2017. The course has proved popular with Common Runners and is sold out every term.
  6. Celebrating International Women’s Day: to help celebrate this special day in March 2017, Mara Yamauchi, an elite marathon runner, joined our weekly social run and a Q&A session over coffee. Despite the rain, we were delighted and inspired by such a wonderful athlete.
  7. S&C training for all: by September 2018, strength & conditioning training was on offer to all Common Runners. Many runners had never used a gym before and they were initially reluctant to come, but over the past few years, the numbers have grown and each course is now over-subscribed.
  8. Embracing the trails: linking up with She Runs Outdoors, our first trail run in Dorking in February 2020 was a great success. It was challenging but achievable and wonderful to get out into the countryside and enjoy the trails.
  9. Surviving Covid: it may seem like a long time ago, but making a living during that period was difficult. I lost all of my income overnight, and I had no idea if I would still have a business at the end of it all. But I was surprised how resilient Common Runners was and we came out of it okay. Since then the business has gone from strength to strength.
  10. Finding adventures together: post Covid, we’ve been enjoying one adventure after another through running which has been wonderful. There’s been numerous London runs (Hampstead Heath, Royal Parks), track sessions, food bank run, our first weekend retreat in Dorset in September 2022 and our first one-day retreat in September 2023!

The past 10 years have been a great adventure, and I’m looking forward to the next 10!

For more information about Common Runners please contact Caroline on 07810 486286 or email

Celebrating 100 Parkruns!

Dawn C (Tues PM) has been going to the Wimbledon Common Parkrun since 2017 and today (20/5/23) clocked up 100 Parkruns! We asked Dawn what motivates her. Why did you start doing the Parkrun in 2017?I was in the ‘useless at sport’ group at school so it took me until I was 50 to realise it was time to do some exercise! I then joined your Common Runners beginner’s class and although I found it hard (both the running and fitting in a class when juggling work/children) you patiently and gently encouraged us to keep at it. I first tried the Parkrun with one of my school friends (also in the ‘useless at sport’ group at school, I think our PE teacher would laugh if she knew that we now do the Parkrun) and we chatted the whole way round – a good distraction.What do you enjoy about the Parkrun?There are around 400+ people of literally all ages (from a 7 or 8 year old who beat me to the finish line last week to 80+ year olds) who do the Wimbledon parkrun, and lots of lovely volunteers who are so encouraging. Knowing that there are around 350k people all around the UK getting up and doing Parkruns at 9am on Saturday mornings and that I am one of them still fills me with wonder!What motivates you to keep doing the Parkrun?I was truly someone who was useless at getting up early at the weekends (I am a night person!) and the idea of getting wet and muddy was frankly just not me but somehow it has become a habit and I still live in the hope that I’ll finish in a faster time (the mud really doesn’t help with this ambition).What advice would you give to a new runner?Have faith in yourself, keep at it, it does get (a little) easier! And keep going to Caroline’s running classes….the words ‘we’ll just go for a gentle trot…….’ her most famous understatement!

Injury prevention tips (1/23)

5 tips to reduce the risk of running injuries

In his first blog, Marco Antonetto – Clinical Lead and Senior Osteopath & Medical Acupuncturist at Nordic Balance –  gives us 5 tips to reduce the risk of running injuries.

 It is normal, as a runner, to experience some sort of pain at some point. What is not normal is when this pain becomes chronic or a recurrent injury. The current medical evidence suggests that almost half of the non-professional runners get a recurrent injury, mainly affecting their knees, calves and ankles.

Is it the shoes we wear, or the poor technique? Or do we keep neglecting strengthening and conditioning?  The truth: It could be one or all of these things.

The good news is that most experts agree that to lower injury risk, you need not a magic bullet, but a loaded gun. Better news is that we’re giving away 5 bullets you can use to help prevent running injuries!

Top tips

  • Don’t skip strength training: one of the best bullets is a strong and conditioned body. Strong muscles, ligaments, and tendons guard against impact, improve form, and lead to a consistent gait.
  • Get a tailored program, don’t ask Dr. Google: to be an effective bullet, strength and conditioning must be tailored to the individual and prescribed by a professional. What works for Google, might not work for you.
  • Incorporate stretching in your daily routine: yes, DAILY, not just when you run. Power is nothing without flexibility and control!
  • Incorporate self release techniques into your running routine: a physical therapist can show you how to self-release selective areas of your body and prevent the build up of tension and biomechanical dysfunction.
  • Get a physical assessment: this is the best way to detect if there are any discrepancies, weaknesses or biomechanics dysfunctions that might lead to future injuries. Prevention is the key!

About Nordic Balance

Nordic Balance in Wimbledon Village offers an integrated approach to health and wellbeing. They provide a range of natural therapies, including Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Shockwave Therapy, Sports Massage and Podiatry.

They are passionate runners and experts in preventing and resolving running injuries. For more information please go to: